Melanie Hartmann

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mosquito Protection Tips

With warmer temperatures and an abundance of standing water left by recent rainfall, mosquito season is upon us.To help prevent mosquito breeding around homes and neighborhoods and protect residents from mosquito borne diseases, we have provided some simple steps to take by following the “Four Ds” which stand for Dusk/dawn, dress, DEET and Drain.

“The CDC and the Texas Mosquito Control Association came up with the Four D’s. It’s a good way for people to remember the tips so they can avoid mosquito contact. It will help them reduce, or eliminate, breeding grounds that would bring in mosquitoes.”

*Dusk/ Dawn refer to the times of day residents should try to stay indoors because that is when mosquitoes are most active.*Dress refers to what residents should wear when they go outdoors. You are encouraged to wear long sleeves and pants and for extra protection, they should spray their clothing with insect repellant

*DEET is an ingredient to look for when purchasing an insect repellent. People are encouraged to choose products that contain up to 20 percent DEET.

*People are also encouraged to *Drain standing water in their yards and neighborhoods because they are areas where mosquitoes can breed. Mosquitoes can breed in are flowerpots, old tires and rain gutters. They may develop in any water stagnant for more than three to four days.

More information on mosquitoes can be found on the Web sites and

To report mosquito problems in a neighborhood or for more information on mosquito control and West Nile Virus, contact the Environmental Health Services Division at 972-874-6340.


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