Melanie Hartmann

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

9 Tips to Make Your Landscape Shine

1. Rake, rattle and roll!
Convince yourself that raking leaves can be fun. Rather than wait for a single
weekend, break this chore into stages. Matted leaves can lead to insect and
disease problems and smother your turf, especially cool season grasses like
Kentucky Bluegrass.

2. To fertilize – or not to fertilize?
Cool season grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass, fescues and perennial ryegrass often need fertilizer this time of year. Grasses that go dormant in the winter, such as Bermuda, Zoysia and Centipede may not. Visit your local garden resource for more information on soil testing and choosing the right fertilizer.

3. Repair and re-seed.
Fall is a great time to repair a damaged lawn and re-seed. Fill any holes or bare spots with topsoil and add grass seed. It’s important to choose the right kind of grass for your growing zone.

4. Don’t forget to water.
New grass in particular needs frequent but shallow watering. Once the grass is established, water deeply to reach the roots. To minimize the threat of fungal disease, water in the morning or early afternoon so that the grass blades are not moist overnight.

5. Prune with care.
Pruning promotes growth, so be careful not to encourage growth when plants are about to go dormant. By all means remove diseased, dead or broken branches.

6. Transplant trees and shrubs.
Autumn is a great season for transplanting trees and shrubs, allowing roots to get established before the cold sets in. Also, heat stress is not a concern. Visit your neighborhood Lowe’s Garden Center for a broad selection of trees and shrubs that can bring new life to your landscape.

7. Spruce up flower beds.
Replace warm-weather annuals with seasonal favorites like pansies and mums. Clean out summer perennials and add a fresh layer of mulch, which can help protect plants from hard freezes.

8. Divide established perennials.
If your perennials are looking a bit lackluster or overgrown they may need to be divided. The best candidates have large, healthy clumps and have been in
the ground for years. By dividing these in the fall, you’ll enjoy healthier plants in more places next spring.

9. Plant ahead for spring.
Foolproof and fabulous, spring-flowering bulbs put gardening within everyone’s reach. When choosing bulbs, focus on your favorite color, or try shades that accent already established plantings throughout your garden. For more information on cutting gardens, see “Bulbs in Bloom” at


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